How To Uninstall A Source Package?

In Linux we can install packages in so many ways such as:
#rpm –ivh packagename.ver.arch.rpm
This is to install from rpm package manager

#yum install packagename
This is installing through yum which will use rpm package manager internally
#apt-get install packagename
This is for installing .deb packages

This is from a shell script.
#./configure;make;make check;make install
This is to install from source package.
Etc. but when we want to uninstall above packages we will use package removing commands as below
#rpm –e packagename
For uninstalling an rpm package, which are installed through rpm/yum

#yum remove packagename
Uninstalling through yum... Etc...
But what about uninstalling source package? How to uninstall a source package?
This can be done in two ways
Way1 : If we have still the source code with us in our system, then it’s very much easy to uninstall as shown below
#cd sourcefolderpath
#make uninstall
This will completely install the package/software

Way2 : If you don’t have source code with you. This is really hard way to do it, we have to go to so many locations/folders where that package created supported files. Some common locations for a package files is as follows

Etc.. so we have to go to each folder and have to remove all the files whose name contains packagename.
Note : If you install any package through source package, rpm –e or yum remove commands will not help us in removing the package installed through source package.
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