RPM Package Management - I


Package management in Linux is very much tedious job when compared to windows systems. Basically if we consider windows its very much easy even for LKG student will install the packages(in windows we will call it as softwares) very much easy main windows software packages are .exe or .bat or .msi or .cab files we will just double click it will install the package for you with minimal system knowledge this is all about windows but coming to Linux its some what complex procedure to install a package below are some of the example ways you can install the packages.

1. Through shell script

2. .tar.bz2 or .tar.gz files

3. .rpm files

4. .deb files(These are the software packages for Debian flavor of Linux)

5. YUM

In order to install packages in Linux one should have depth and width of full concept then only we can troubleshoot the problems what we faced while installation so coming in to the topic directly I have divided this entire document in two parts

One is dealing with basic installation of packages

Second one is building rpm packages for your requirements like say for your architecture (i386,1686 AMD etc)

PART1 : Basic rpm package management

Example1 : For checking the package is install in your system or not

#rpm -q package name #rpm -q httpd

Example2 : For checking what are all the packages installed in your system

#rpm -qa

Here q stands for query and a stands for all

Example3 : Installing a package

#rpm -ivh packagename.versionno.arch.rpm (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Here I have to explain the above 4 thins

(i)Indicates the package name

(ii)Indicates the version number

(iii)Indicates the architecture type (like i386,i686,i586,i486 etc)

(iv)rpm extension

Example4 : Upgreading the package

#rpm -Uvh packagename.versionno.arch.rpm

Example5 : Installing a package with out dependencies

#rpm -ivh packagename.versionno.arch.rpm --nodeps

Example6 : Installing a package when it is not able to install, if you want to install it forcefully

#rpm -ivh packagename.versionno.arch.rpm --force

Example7 : Installing a package with dependencies

#rpm -ivh packagename.versionno.arch.rpm --aid

These are some basic ways to install the packages in coming post I will discuss about some what advanced package management like creating rpm package compilation etc Happy linux.

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