Linux user management - 1


User Management Basics-I

For a linux admin, knowledge of user management is must. In this we'll look at simple user management tasks such as creating users

I) Creating a user in linux

#useradd username


        #useradd phani

here we created an user called phani. Before executing this command we should know that useradd is an admin command so only root user can execute this command,So we created user what next? simply logging in ha? if you try to login with "phani" user system will ask for password for that user so with out creating a password phani cant login

II) Creating user password


#passwd username


        #passwd phani

when you enter this command you will be prompted for new password and for re-entring new password, once the password is updated to system we will get conformation saying that,password has been updated sucessfully

thats its, Creating user in linux is this much easy.. So what next we will see some other commands to know more about user management

III)So how to change password ?


#passwd username


#passwd phani

this is almost same as creating a password, but we have to know one more info suppose you logged in to user "phani" and want to change password for that user you no need to specify the user name just give passwd it will ask for new password for user "phani"


[phani@server1 ~]$passwd

here it will just ask for new password for phani user.

IV)Can we able to login to linux server with out providing password?

the answer for this is yes we can login to linux with out password, this can be achived with -d option for password command


#passwd -d username
     here -d is nothing but deleting the passwor for the specified user.


#passwd -d phani

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