Actually i am Google centric guy,who always romming around google google google to find out what Google is inventing day today. I am regular reader of and blogs, both the sites are totaly discuessing google releated information/hacks etc

So comming to the point why i am saying all this to u? that too in my linux blog? any guesses?
Ans : Today I found of some strange site from the above mentioned blogs ie
This one kind of shell ie. google+shell= goosh where you can search the entire web/blogs/images, you name it you will get it by just typing commnds. When we log in to we will get the following prompt>

So here we can type what ever you want to search with in the web. If you want to search only in blog we have to say blog then the prompt will change to the below thing>blog>

So from now what ever you type this will seach in only blogs, if you want to know more about it just type help you will get all the help you want.>help


web(search,s,w)[keywords]google web search
lucky(l)[keywords]go directly to first result
images(image,i)[keywords]google image search
wiki(wikipedia)[keywords]wikipedia search
clear(c)clear the screen
help(man,h,?)[command]displays help text
news(n)[keywords]google news search
blogs(blog,b)[keywords]google blog search
feeds(feed,f)[keywords]google feed search
open(o)open url in new window
go(g)open url
more(m)get more results
in(site)search in a specific website
loadload an extension
video(videos,v)[keywords]google video search
read(rss,r)read feed of url
place(places,map,p)[address]google maps search
langchange language

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    Phani said...

    Good Goodie GooGler... ;) Great GoinG..


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