Login To Root User In UBUNTU

This article totally deals with how to get access to root user in UBUNTU? So going in to topic, by default Ubuntu will not allow us to log in to root user because root user is super user and we can do any thing if we have root access.

Actually be default in Ubuntu root user is disable(means there is root user with out password set). So if we try to login to root user it will not allow us because there is no password set to that user.

So the solution to this problem is to set the password to root user so how to do that? A question arises?
Ans : In order to change the root password we have to log in to run level1.
if you are new to this run level concept you can get that one
here. In order to go to run level.

Step1 : Reboot your Ubuntu system if its on other wise start your ubuntu

Step2 : Brake the timer when its displaying OS choice at the boot time. To brake the timer press any key. So now we will get 3 lines like below.

ubuntu, kernel 2.6.18-generic
ubuntu,kernel 2.6.18-generic(recovery mode)
ubuntu,MeM test86+

Like this you will find at the display. Select the first line by up/down arrows and then press "e" to edit that line. And here again you will get some 3 to 4 lines. Select the line with kernel at the starting and then press "e" again. Now press space bar and 1 at the end of that line and then enter. Then press b to boot. Now you will be in run level 1. Then type the below command to reset the root password
#passwd root

Then after resetting the password execute exit command. From now on words you will have a chance to log in as root user.

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