The Canonical Has Released Its Latest OS "Ubuntu 10.04"


The latest Ubuntu 10.04 was launched on 29 April 2010. The codename of this operating system is “Lucid Lynx “. This new release includes the Linux kernel 2.6.32. It is a long term support edition. Which is having a brand new theme which makes it better looking than previous releases. And name of the theme is “Ambience”. It is upgraded with more than 1200 packages. This OS will boot within 10 Seconds.

Here is the link to download latest Ubuntu desktop ISO
The new features of Ubuntu 10.04 are :

1. Ubuntu 10.04 is having Which is fully compatible with Microsoft Office. Where we can create documents, presentations and spread sheets. Its really good featuer to open docx and other files by default.
2. The new things in Ubuntu 10.04 is we can read and update our social networks such as Facebook, twitter using "Me" menu. And the new 10.04 Ubuntu’s music player includes an integrated store, from which we can buy and download new tracks. And one more thing is we can store the music online and listen to it from other computers and music players.

3. Ubuntu 10.04 is flexible with all types of gadgets. Where we can connect our phones and cameras to download the pictures. And we can edit the pictures also using free application. Which is available in Ubuntu Software Centre.

4. In 10.04 Ubuntu all users will get one free Ubuntu account. Where we can store our data. And access the data from anywhere of the world. With the help of “One Ubuntu”.

5. In 10.04 Ubuntu we can watch and play the videos and movies. And we can edit the videos using pitivi.

6. Ubuntu 10.04 will loads quickly on any computer. But it is super fast on new computers. And the browser will open within a fractions of seconds than compared to other OSes.

7. In Ubuntu 10.04 we are free to choose and free to use the games, puzzles and more.

The different flavours of Ubuntu are :

2. Linux Mint
3. nUbuntu
4. Mythubuntu
5. Ubuntu Ultimate
6. Protech ONE
7. Edubuntu
8. OpenGEU 7.10
9. Gobuntu
10. Freespire
11. Kubuntu
12. gOS
13. xunbuntu
14. CrunchBang Linux
15. VoiceBuntu
16. Kiwi Linux
17. Ubuntu Studio
18. Scibuntu
19. Elbuntu
20. Ubuntu Lite
21. Ubuntu ES
22. Ubuntu Home Server
23. Ubuntu Mobile
24. Ubuntu Server Edition JeOS

How to install Ubuntu 10.04 on a normal desktop?

Ans : If you are upgrading your OS from Ubuntu 9.10 to Ubuntu 10.04
Step1 : Press Alt+F2

Step2 : Type update-manager –d (Without quotes) in the command box.

Step3 : Update manager will open and tell you New distribution release ’10.04’ is availabel.

Step4 : Click on upgrade and please follow the on screen instructions.

If you want to upgrade your Server from 9.10 to 10.04 :

Step1 : Install the update-manager-core package.
If the above package is not installed in the server.

Step2 : Edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set

Step3 : Launch the upgrade tool with the command sudo
Do-release-upgrade –d;

And please follow the on screen instructions.

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  • How to : Use Google Sets And Squared To Enhance Your Linux Administration Skills


    Long time back we thought of posting this, now the time has come. This post is all about how to use Google's tools "unknown to many" services to enhance your admin skills. I strongly suggest you to use these tools extensively to enhance your knowledge on a given topic. Most of the people will say use google, google is your friend etc. Even some times Google is refered as GOD in IT industry which is acronym to "Google Oriented Development" but they dont tell how to use it. This is one step towards it. OK lets come to what actually this Google Sets and Squired do for us.

    Google sets( :

    Automatically create sets of items from a few examples. This can be easily explained by taking an example. Suppose you know
    How to add user,
    Remove user,
    Modify user details,
    Delete user.. etc. In Linux user management. Now you want to enhance more of your knowledge on this area. So just type below commands in google sets form.

    When you sa grow to “small set” it will create a set of commands/related words up to 15 in number. If this 15 commands is not enough for you enhancing of knowledge you can “grow set”. Once that set is grown you can use that keywords to enhance your knowledge.

    Enter your commands in to this form

    Once you fill the form grow the set(click on small set button)
    Now you can even grow this set.. to more :-)

    Once you grow the set, see how many commands are there in user management it self.

    Google squared( :
    Google Squared takes a category and creates a starter 'square' of information, automatically fetching and organizing facts from across the web. This is more sofesticated with more options. Explore your self how to use google squared to get more out of google :-)

    Home page of google squred where you can enter your data.

    Enter data what you want to square
    This is the output you will get.

    Some of the people still have some confusion right? For those people here are the examples you can try.

    For Google sets :
    1. Try to know what other Linux flavours are there
    Redhat, Centos, Fedorea, Debian, Ubuntu etc

    Do you know there is Linux distribution watching site where you will get up to date Linux flavor?
    Ans :
    Visit the site here :

    2. Try to know what other mail servers exists.
    sendmail, postfix, fetchmail, qmail, procmail etc.

    3. Try to know how many greps are there.
    agrep, egrep, fgrep, grep, pgrep,

    Do you know we have grep song? It starts like this agrep, bgrep, cgrep.... ygrep, zgrep?

    For Google squared:

    1. Try to know more about Raid levels, options, commands, advantages etc.
    RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, RAID10 etc.

    2. Try to know more about searching commands.
    grep, find, locate, sed, awk etc.

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  • Notes For Vi Editor


    VI editor is the default file editor in most of the Linux/Nix machines. It is having great capabilities to edit a file with in few key strokes.

    Lets start with some general information and then move on to some good things what vi editor can do for you while editing a file.
    1. Vi stands for visual.
    2. Vi have its variants like vim which stands for Vi IMproved, VimX11 for gui and winvi for MS windows.
    3. Vi is the most popular editor and next most popular editor is gedit.
    4. Do you know there is a book on VI editor from orally which is of 600+ pages.
    5. Some other editors which will do the work of editing files are neno, pico, gedit, emacs, joe, nedit, ed etc.

    Learning vi editor and remembering them is a very a easy task if you learn it in a systematic way.
    a. Modes of VI
    b. Navigational commands
    c. Editing commands.
    d. Search and Replace
    e. Save and quiting a file.

    a. Modes of VI :
    Vi have two mode of operation.
    1. Command mode
    2. Inserting mode

    Command mode :
    Vi editor begins in command mode, where cursor movement(navigation in the file) and editing occur. To enter in to command mode from Inserting mode press esc button.

    Inserting mode :
    Used for entering text, this is similar to notepad in Windows. To enter in to inserting mode you can use any of the following.
    i or I => present line
    o => one line down the present line
    O => one line above

    Note : All comments will work in command mode only.

    b. Navigational commands :
    1. Character navigation k, h, l and j
    h => To move one character left.
    j => To move one line down.
    k => To move one line up.
    l => To move one character right.

    How to use above commands in clever way?
    Examples :
    6j => to move 6 lines down from the present courser.
    7k => to move 7 lines above from the present courser.

    2. Word Navigation
    w => word forward.
    e =>word forward, but end of the word.
    b => one word backward.

    Examples :
    32w => To move 32 words forward
    6b => To move 6 words back.

    3. Setting (nu) mbering to lines
    :set nu
    Removing of (nonu)mbering to lines
    :set nonu

    4. Moving paragraphs
    move one paragraph up => {{
    move one paragraph down => }}

    5. Moving page up/down
    For up => ctrl+b
    For down => ctrl+f

    6. Moving start/end of the file
    Starting of the file(first line => [[
    End of the file(last line) => ]]

    7. Going to any line :

    Example :
    If we want to go to 56 line then type

    c. Editing commands

    8. Replace one letter
    Replace one letter => r
    Delete one letter => x

    9. Editing one word
    Edit one word => cw
    Delete one word => dw

    10. Editing one line
    Editing a line from courser to the end of that line => d$

    11. Cutting
    deleting(cutting) one line => dd

    Examples :
    2dd(deleting/cutting two lines)

    12. Pasting
    Pasting a line below the courser => p
    Pasting a line above the courser => P

    13. Coping
    Copying one line => yy
    Copying n lines => nyy

    14. Special commands
    joining lines => J
    undoing things => u
    repeating previous command => .

    d. Search and replace

    15. Search for a term /term

    Example : If you want to search for suresh then press /suresh enter
    Moving to next occurrence, press "n" with out quotes moving to previous occurrence, press "N" with out quotes.

    16. Searching and replacing a term(here separator is / )
    change default separator

    To search and replace particular term from given line to other given line.

    e)Save and quiting a file
    :w => save the file
    :q => quit the file
    :wq => save and quit
    :w! => force save the file
    :q! => force quit with out save
    :wq => save and quit forcefully

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  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Beta Available Today For Public Download


    The long waited Redhat Enterprise Linux version 6 with beta tag is released to public. As of now there are so many downloads happening from FTP server of Redhat. Here is the link to download RHEL6 32 arch and 64 arch.

    Here is the improved features from Redhat in this release :

    Power Management : Tickless kernel and improvements through the application stack to reduce wakeups, power consumption measurement by Powertop, Power Management (ASPM, ALPM), and adaptive system tuning by Tuned, all enhance more efficient system power usage.

    Next Generation Networking : Comprehensive IPv6 support (NFS 4, CIFS, mobile support [RFC 3775], ISATAP support), FCoE, iSCSI, and a new and improved mac 802.11 wireless stack.

    Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) : System-level enhancements from industry collaborations make the most of hardware RAS capabilities and NUMA architectures.

    Fine-Grained Control and Management : Improved scheduler and better resource management in the kernel via Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS) and Control Groups (CG).

    Scalable Filesystems : Ext4 file system provides support for larger file sizes and significantly reduces repair times over ext3. XFS® is a high-performance file system that supports extremely large files and is optimized for large data transfers.

    Virtualization : KVM includes performance improvements and new features, sVirt protects the guest and host from unauthorized access, SR-IOV and NPIV deliver high-performance virtual use of physical devices, and libvirt leverages kernel resource management functionality.

    Enterprise Security Enhancement : SELinux includes improved ease of use, application sandboxing, and significantly increased coverage of system services, while SSSD( System Security Services Daemon) provides unified access to identity and authentication services as well as caching for off-line use.

    Development and Runtime Support : SystemTap improvements, ABRT is a new framework for simple collection and reporting of bug information, and improvements are made to GCC (version 4.4.3), glibc (version 2.11.1), and GDB (version 7.0.1).

    And here the press release from Redhat.

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  • All About info, man, whatis, whereis, --help Commands


    Do you know what dmidecode command will do?
    Ans :
    Are you going to search in google about dmidecode? No need to search boss. No need to go any where. Linux provied many help tools to know more about a command. This post is all about these commands they are as follows. command
    2. man command
    3. --help option
    4. whatis command
    5. whereis command

    First command in this list is
    1. info command(Information command) :
    info is a good command which will describe all about the command in detail. Its like lots and lots of pages of information will be there for a single command.

    Example :
    info ls
    The above command will show full help about ls command which is of 10 pages. This will give full information.

    2. man command(manual command)
    This will give little bit less descriptive but will provied information which you require, and most of the times each option of a command will be described in one sentence and some times in paragraphs.

    Example :
    man ls

    3. --help option
    This option is to give one line discription to each option of the command

    Example :
    ls --help
    Please remember --help may present or not present to a command.

    4. whatis command
    This will show one line description to a give command,
    whatis ls

    Last but not least
    5. whereis
    this is not a help command but i feel describing this here. This command will show the location of any command.
    whereis ls

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  • Is Job Portal On Is Really Worth For You People?


    Hi all,

    Some Six months back we have started posting job related info such as job postings, interview tips etc on this site at "". Is this site really helping you people? Please let me know. We are planing to discontinue the service so that we can concentrate more on some technical stuffs. What you will say guys? Please comment your thoughts on this. So that we can take a decision on this. I am putting a poll on this. Please express your thoughts on this form too..

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  • How To Choose A Good Linux Institute?


    This question arises in the mind of new people who are turning to Linux administration. So what you people will suggest? Go for a good institute. Right? So how you judge one institute is good and other is bad? If I am there in your place. I will consider below points before taking a decision to join an institute.
    1. Faculty(first priority)
    2. Infrastructure(second priority)
    3. Institute background and capabilities(Third priority)

    Faculty : Some points be noted about faculty
    1. A good faculty is like a motivator, he always motivates you to explore new things. He just shows the path you have to explore.
    2. A good faculty always try to share knowledge irrespective of the domain. I saw some instructors will not share all the knowledge they have. They just simply go according to the syllabus. So be aware of these type of instructors.
    3. A good faculty will always try to mould his way of teaching depending on grasping power of the students.
    4. A good faculty always give infomation about what type questions will come in interviews and exam. So that you can concentrate more on those topics.

    So how to judge a faculty is good or not with out actually attending his classes?
    Ans : Just go to that institute before joining and enquire the students of that institute about the instructors and their way of teaching. And if possible take a sample session with that faculty and observe all the above mentioned points. If most of the above qualities are not observed better not to join.

    Infrastructure :
    Some points to be noted about infrastructure
    1. As we are learning job oriented courses please don't join in institutes where students with more than 30 per class. These type of institutes are more in Hyderabad. One thing i want to mention is if a class is containing some 150 students where is the type for faculty to care of your queries?

    2. Make sure that before joining the institute about the hardware provided by them. In some institute there will be only one or two systems/devices per class so where is the time for you to practice? right so consider this one too.

    3. Some institutes will not provide lab facility after the class timings. So what's the fun of just taking Linux classless with out practice. I say to my friends if you want to be a good Linux admin just remember three rules/principles.

    So what is ideal Infrastructure?
    Ans : A class should not contain more then 10 to 15 students and should provide at least one system for two students with 24 hours lab facility.

    Institute : Some points to be noted about Institute.
    1. Check with Students of an institute about the behaviour of non teaching faculty. Some of the institute people will behave differently before and after paying amount.

    2.Check with students how is the placements and campus interviews.

    3. As you people will know speaking good English will play important role in getting a job, some institutes will have one faculty who will teaches spoken English, corporate culture, personality development etc.

    So you guys may feel that as "I am already a Linux admin why this non technical post is here." this is for you only. As you are an experienced Linux admin, many new comers will come to you and ask which institute is best. So at that time you can express your own ideas and these points to them before they take a decision. This is the intention of this post.

    Please comment your experience either its small or big about your training institute where you learnt some admin courses:-)

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