Solaris routing basics


This my first post on Solaris on my LinuxNIX(NIX is nothing but UNIX all flavors).

Creating routes in Solaris:
Basic Sun Solaris  routing

  • Add a route to a network
    #route add net network default-gateway
          #route add net 1.9..9.1

  • Add a default route.
    #route add default  default-gateway
          #route add default

  • Delete a route
    #route delete net network default-gateway
          #route delete net

  • Look-up and display the route for a destination network:
    # route get destination-network
          #route get

  • Get routing reports continuously
    # route monitor

  • Flushing the route table:
    # route flush

  • Seeing routing table in sun box
  • #netstat -nr
  • Use the "route add net" command with the -netmask option to make the route command to take the netmask specified on the command line

    # route add net 1 -netmask

Permanently assigning a routes in sun box

/etc/rc2.d/S69inet file can be used for routes to exits permanently

Example entries in S69inet file

/usr/sbin/route add net     1
/usr/sbin/route add net     1
/usr/sbin/route add net     1
save the file and exit so from next time on words no need to execute the route commands every time after reboot

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  • Linux user management - 1


    User Management Basics-I

    For a linux admin, knowledge of user management is must. In this we'll look at simple user management tasks such as creating users

    I) Creating a user in linux

    #useradd username


            #useradd phani

    here we created an user called phani. Before executing this command we should know that useradd is an admin command so only root user can execute this command,So we created user what next? simply logging in ha? if you try to login with "phani" user system will ask for password for that user so with out creating a password phani cant login

    II) Creating user password


    #passwd username


            #passwd phani

    when you enter this command you will be prompted for new password and for re-entring new password, once the password is updated to system we will get conformation saying that,password has been updated sucessfully

    thats its, Creating user in linux is this much easy.. So what next we will see some other commands to know more about user management

    III)So how to change password ?


    #passwd username


    #passwd phani

    this is almost same as creating a password, but we have to know one more info suppose you logged in to user "phani" and want to change password for that user you no need to specify the user name just give passwd it will ask for new password for user "phani"


    [phani@server1 ~]$passwd

    here it will just ask for new password for phani user.

    IV)Can we able to login to linux server with out providing password?

    the answer for this is yes we can login to linux with out password, this can be achived with -d option for password command


    #passwd -d username
         here -d is nothing but deleting the passwor for the specified user.


    #passwd -d phani

    please comment if you like this topic

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  • RPM package management-III(Advanced Package MGMT)


    Creating RPM packages from Source

    To start of this topic most of the times RPM packages will come as source file. This have some advantage and disadvantage
    first coming to disadvantage there is no direct command to install this source file on linux server so for newbabys it very diffucult to install the packages and coming to advantage we can compile this source packages to what ever platform we want so we are now going to see how to create compiled packages for different platforms from source files
    here are the links for my previous RPM management topics. one two.

    Step1: To create RPM packages from source we require two packages

    gcc compiler

    install these two packages

    Step2:After installation of above packages install the source package which you want to compile

    #rpm -ivh packagename.src.rpm

    When we install the above src package we will get .specs file in /usr/src/redhat/SPECS which will contain all the details to create the required.

    Step3:Now we got the spec file in order to specify the platform type etc

    #cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS

    Step4:Create rpm package

    #rpm-build -bb packagename.spec --target i386

    this command will build a package which can be installed on i386 platform

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  • Disk management - I ( Formating with ext2,ext3)


    So you saw how to create partations. If the below videos are not clear please maximize/view in full screen.

    This video explains how to create partitions and format with ext2

    Creating partitions and formatting with ext3

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